Thursday, August 31, 2017


If you keep yourself pure, you will be a special utensil for honorable use.  Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the Master to use you for every good work.  2 Timothy 2:21

Mount Trashmore rises above the treeline near I-285, and the air is tainted with the stench of decomposition.

We live in such a disposable society that we not only have landfills, but we are building mountains with our discarded waste.

More and more, though, I prefer single-use items: cups, paper towels & plates, napkins, grocery sacks, bottles & cans, forks & spoons ... the list could go on.  

Partly for the convenience of portability,
partly because I'm lazy about washing, 
partly because it's just become a habit --  
Use it once and toss it.  
It can't be sanitized and re-used.

Growing up, we always used our stainless utensils (& on celebratory occasions, sterling), china plates and glassware for meals, and we took the trash bag out once or twice a week.  Now, it seems we fill a bag nearly every day or two. 

In a Nutshell
Our habits may have changed, but God hasn't changed.  I'm grateful that He doesn't see me as  a disposable, convenient plastic fork or paper plate, nor that He sees me as sterling silver to bless only on special occasions.

Father, I praise Your holy name.  You are my Master, ready to use me for every good work.  I have failed to keep myself pure, to live a clean life in obedience to You.  Forgive me for my failure, and cleanse my heart. Thank you for washing me clean instead of throwing me out with the garbage. Use me as Your special utensil to do good work as You pour out Your blessings on others.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

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