Friday, August 25, 2017

The Roots are Holy

... For if the roots of the tree are holy, the branches will be, too.  Romans 11:16

What a privilege it is to work under the leadership of a godly person, one who prays for her people and for her organization!  

This isn't something new.

As I reflect on this portion of scripture, I am reminded of an essay on leadership I wrote during graduate school at Liberty University, words which continue to hold true:
This writer has been fortunate to observe a school Administrator demonstrate leadership characteristics similar to those of Nehemiah.  From envisioning a better community with a local school, garnering the support of local and state officials, and gathering supplies (including facilities), to casting the vision for parents, students and teachers, organizing them to accomplish the vision, and enveloping the entire operation in prayer, the Administrator of Baconton Community Charter School has set an example of godly leadership and continues to develop leadership characteristics in her followers.
In a Nutshell
We are deeply rooted, and for that I am grateful.

Gracious Father, You are the root of all that is good.  What a privilege you have granted us to work under the leadership of an anointed Administrator, one whose faith is deeply rooted in You!  Thank you for her example; thank you for her willingness to cover us in prayer.  Thank you for her vision and her stamina to carry out that vision.  Forgive me, Father, for not having been a holy branch, for falling short because of my own stubbornness. Help me to become a holy branch on this tree that you have planted in our community.  Show me your way that I might be a light to others.  In the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

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