Friday, August 18, 2017

A Calling

Lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. Ephesians 4:1

From my earliest childhood recollections, I have been teaching.  I taught my dolls, my friends and my cousins.  That’s how I played.  Teaching is what I did for fun!  With a chalkboard and my own ditto machine (remember that purple ink smell?), workbooks from Roses and Kmart, and leftover worksheets from my teachers, I had all the tools I needed to teach language arts and math. 

As an undergraduate, however, I opted out of education and chose to focus on a journalism career.  That was short-lived.  My first “real” job was as a high school English teacher.  Ten years later, questioning my choice as a teacher, I opted out of education again. That, too, was brief. 

I felt a spiritual calling to join with the founders of BCCS as we opened the charter school.  From time to time, I again question whether I’m in the place I’m supposed to be.  Teaching is demanding work; it is so much more than a job.  Teaching is a calling with huge responsibility.

In a Nutshell
The assurance that God has placed a vocational calling on your life makes the job so much more than a job.

Father, I confess I have not lived up to Your standard.  I have failed miserably.  Forgive me, and set me on path to live a life worthy of the calling you have placed on my life, for I believe You have called me to this place and time, to serve the students You have placed in my care and to serve my co-workers, as well.  Help me to live a life worthy of the calling you have placed on me so that others may be blessed.  In Christ’s name, Amen.

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