
I am the lead learner - more formally known as the Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Guidance - at Baconton Community Charter School, one of the longest surviving and most thriving charter schools in Georgia.

This is my personal blog, focused on professional topics: faculty development and the celebration of academic success.

I write on instructional effectiveness, motivation, who "we" are as a school, and occasionally, on ideas that don't fit squarely into any of these categories.

My goal is to create meaningful, insightful content you can use immediately in your personal and professional life. If you are in the classroom trenches, then this blog is for you.

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My Biography
I have worked in education for the past 26 years as a classroom teacher, guidance counselor, instructional coach and assistant principal.

Initially a middle and high school English teacher, I also have taught third grade, Georgia history, computer, journalism, special education, and Advanced Placement Language and Composition, as well as master's level candidates in literacy.  I have consulted and trained teachers for SRA McGraw Hill's Direct Instruction reading programs.

For my doctoral dissertation, I studied the achievement effects of a daily silent sustained reading program in middle school.  In a nutshell: reading daily improves vocabulary and comprehension.

I have been married to my husband, Jamie, since 1989.  We have two adult children, both of whom I had the pleasure, and challenge, of teaching in the classroom, also.  We live in a house built by my great grandfather in 1902 for his bride, the grandmother for whom I was named.  

Away from school, I enjoy reading, writing, RV traveling and bicycling.

This is my personal blog.  The opinions I express here do not necessarily represent those of my employer, Baconton Community Charter School.  The information I provide is on an as-is basis. I make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this blog and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its use.