Wednesday, August 30, 2017


So we are Christ's ambassadors. God is making his appeal through us. 2 Corinthians 5:20

Neatly tucked shirts emblazoned with our school logo, khaki pants, a belt, no caps, no frayed edges, no facial hair, no earrings on the boys, and haircuts above the collar, above the eyes & ears: our Blazer dress code sets our students apart from others.  This is "the look" required of a Blazer-- a student who represents BCCS. 

They are ambassadors for our school and are expected to dress and to behave in ways becoming of a Blazer. 

Our students, whether they intend to or not, will draw new people in, or we will turn them off.  They are Blazers: what they do, what they say, how they dress matters because they project an image of a collective whole.

In much the same way, we are ambassadors for Christ.  We will draw others to Him, or we will turn them away from Him by our words and actions. 

Anne Graham Lotz poses some powerful questions for self-reflection:
  • Who has rejected God because of my behavior or conversation?
  • Am I driving people away from Him or drawing them to Him by my behavior and attitude?
  • Does the Light in my life shine so that others look at my character and my conduct and give genuine praise and thanks to the One who lives within me?
  • Or is the Light so dim that they don't even notice any difference between myself and them?
  • If all the churches in this nation were like me, would they be strong, vibrant Lighthouses pointing people to safety ...
  • Or would they be to blame for the spiritual and moral darkness that has swept across our land?

In a Nutshell
Am I living so that God can use me to bring others to Him? 

Almighty Father, thank you for role models, for ambassadors, both in scripture and in our present lives.  So many times, Father, my words and actions have pushed people away from You. Forgive me.  Use me as Your ambassador to make Your appeal through me that my co-workers  and students might come to know You.  Amen.

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