Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Attractive Conversation

Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone. Colossians 4:6

Social media has a way drawing out the worst in some of us.  The latest comment or meme or news story can draw ire and outrage from dozens of people in a moment.  Before we even have time to think, we jump into the fray.

But they are words, and once published, just like words once said, they don't go away.  We can hit the delete button, but that doesn't take them away any more than words said verbally will go away.  The damage is done.

As fleeting as our thoughts and words may be to us, they are not fleeting to others. Other people remember what we say far better than we ourselves remember, and that's how their perspective of us is formed.

In a Nutshell
Our witness for Jesus is furthered or hindered by our words and actions.

Heavenly Father, Your Word is gracious and attractive. Thank you for Your gift of scripture that I might learn to know You better through Your Word.  Forgive me for having conversation that is ungodly. Lead me, Father, to think before I speak or write, that every word may be gracious and attractive, and that I might have a right response for everyone today. In the holy name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

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