Wednesday, August 9, 2017

The First Day of School

For I am about to do something new.  See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?  I will make a pathway through the wilderness.  I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.  Isaiah 43:19

This was the day I had waited for.  Something new.  It was supposed to be exciting and fun.
But there I sat.  Nervous. Alone. In a room of strangers.
And then, he appeared at the door. He and his mother.  Holding hands.
At last: familiar faces.
Relief swept over me.  Anxiety subsided. 

It was the first day of first grade.  1973.

We had been playmates since birth six years earlier when we were delivered just two days apart.  As I celebrate our 50th birthday, I can still visualize the two of them standing in the doorway of Miss Heinemann’s classroom.

He met me with that big grin and hearty laugh, traits he kept throughout his lifetime. To have him there in that classroom on that first day was comforting. I was no longer alone.  No longer nervous.  His familiar presence put me at ease.

In a Nutshell
Our presence can be a comfort to someone today.

You are the Creator of new beginnings.  I come to You this morning with a grateful heart, praising and thanking you for a new beginning, a fresh start.  Father, I commit this new school year to you.  I leave my past behind. I admit my failures: forgive me of my sins, merciful God. I am eager to follow You in doing something new.  I thank you for this opportunity to start fresh with a new group of students.  Thank You for reminding me how it feels to be new, nervous and alone.  Bring comfort to me in this newness today, and to my students as they face newness, also.  My heart is full of excitement and joy! In Christ’s name, Amen.

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