Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Make Joy a Habit

It's been a month since that hot August morning when we met in the auditorium to kick off this school year.  Does your joy journal reflect a month of finding joy in each day, of expressing gratitude for what you have?

I know you've been busy.  I know you're still overwhelmed with the tasks of getting to know your new students, your new curriculum, your new role.  But I'm hoping that you've found joy in the ordinary, that you've recognized your gratitude for even the things that cause you stress.

Maybe you're thankful for 
  • that student who seems to have parents who don't have time or interest in their child's schoolwork.  You have something to offer him: understanding, love, good teaching
  • that colleague who can't get it together.  She needs your expertise.
  • your extra-curricular responsibilities that keep you away from home late into the evening. You have a secondary platform for reaching students; your influence is huge.
Maybe you found joy
  • in wiping away tears 
  • in finishing a math lesson in one class period!
  • in the note a former student sent you saying "thanks"
You will reap the benefits of choosing joy each day, of seeking and noticing the things that give you joy.  Your gratitude will grow and show.

In a Nutshell
Remember to find joy in each day.  Writing it down will help you develop a habit of seeking, of noticing, the little things that give you joy.  If you haven't yet committed to writing daily in your joy journal, make that commitment now.

There's truth in this borrowed phrase:
I'm not telling you it is going to be easy; I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.

Feel free to share your joy moments in the comments section below.

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