Monday, September 19, 2016

Consciously Cultivating Gratitude

I started listing my "joy moments" and things I'm grateful for in a colorful notebook during the summer.  Nothing huge - just little things that, when I reflect on them, make my heart smile.

More than once, I've reread my entries and experienced those heart-smiles all over again.

"Joy" scripture jumps off the pages of my Bible these days.  "Joy" quotes monopolize my Pinterest feed.  These reminders nudge me toward conscious choices. Every day I have a choice: I can choose joy.

Joy leads me to gratitude.  I have so much to be thankful for.

Because of my Amazon addiction, which is fueled by my research frenzy, three books on gratitude arrived in my mailbox this week.  Can you believe some Ph.D. has spent his career researching gratitude?  It's true.  Empirical research.  Proof.

This paragraph from Robert Emmons' Thanks! How Practicing Gratitude Can Make You Happier particularly hits home with me; it's a personal call to action:
...gratitude is more than a feeling.  It requires a willingness to recognize (a) that one has been the beneficiary of someone's kindness, (b) that the benefactor has intentionally provided a benefit, often incurring some personal cost, and (c) that the benefit has value in the eyes of the beneficiary.  Gratitude implies humility - a recognition that we could not be who we are or where we are in life without the contributions of others. (p.5)

Emmons alerts us to these points in the first chapter of his book:
  • "a person who experiences gratitude is able to cope more effectively with everyday stress"
  • "gratitude requires contemplation and reflection"
  • "While gratitude is pleasant, it is not easy. We have to work at it.  It must be consciously cultivated."
  • "gratitude is morally and intellectually demanding"

I was already on the joy journey. Emmons' research feeds my intellect as well as my emotion, further solidifying my resolve to find joy and to express my gratitude each day.  I choose to consciously cultivate a spirit of joy and a grateful heart.  Will you also consciously cultivate joy and gratitude in your own life?

In a Nutshell
Have you found greater joy in each day since you've been journaling? Share your journey.

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