Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Grounded in Tradition

I'm really liking our school's new logo.

The iconic oak trees shading our playground hold so much history for this little town, and more recently, for our school.

The new logo speaks to me this way:

The oak tree represents our roots and the foundational aspects of character building and academics we strive to instill in our students.  The mighty oak in its antiquity represents wisdom, steadfast loyalty, and strength, all of which are character traits we endeavor to pass along to our students.

The trunk and limbs, represented through the two arms and hands outwardly stretched, embody the support we provide for our students as they develop their potential.

The leaves represent our students and staff as individuals of varied ages and sizes who, collectively, make up our BCCS family.

Grounded in tradition, a phrase from our Alma Mater, reminds us of where we came from.

Reaching for the future, a statement of hope.

What is unseen in the logo is just as important as what is seen.  Roots.

Roots grow deep into the ground to weather the worst of winds, to drink from within the soil, maintaining life.  Likewise, there is much unseen support at BCCS.  So much that happens that you and I don't see, from the board room where policies and finances are handled to the bathroom where little ones' tears are wiped away, from visionary planning to lesson planning: these are the roots that make BCCS strong.

I'm grateful for this mighty oak - our school - that was planted by a tiny seed - an idea - in our founders' imagination.  I'm grateful for the roots that have taken hold, for the trunk of unwavering support, for the diversity of leaves on our tree.

BCCS gives me joy.

In a Nutshell
To be a Blazer is to be rooted in a tradition of excellence, to grow strong in character and intellect, to contribute to the whole while simultaneously pursuing individual potential.

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