Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Choose an Attitude of Gratitude

And, we're off to a joyful start of a new school year!

We have so much to be thankful for, yet we sometimes get so busy in getting things done that we fail to take those few moments to reflect on what we have.  That's why I felt it so important to begin our first faculty gathering with a call to choose an attitude of gratitude.  

Build a habit of thankfulness. We cannot take our school for granted; we operate under a performance contract, one that is increasingly under greater scrutiny.  We must be thankful for our school, our facilities, our coworkers, our opportunity to exist here, and continually strive to exceed expectations.

Seek joy: be willing “to see even the small good things around you — to allow yourself to give them due notice and to allow these things to lift your spirit.” source

Take a moment every day to reflect on all that is good and right in our work environment and in your life.  See the good, ever how small it is.  Create solutions, rather than drowning in a sea of problems.  

Together we will change our outlook, we will enhance our school climate, we will find greater satisfaction in our jobs, and we will perform better when we honestly acknowledge the good things happening around us. 

We are going to have great year! 

It will not be without its challenges, but we can use these as opportunities for personal and professional growth, both individually and collectively.  

I am confident that with all 70 or so of our employees choosing daily to operate with a thankful heart, we can positively transform our school into greatness.

In a Nutshell
Every day, write down at least one thing that brings you joy that day or that you are thankful for that day.  Date your list.  And periodically, re-read it.  This is your Joy Journal.  Write in it daily.

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