Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Your Mission: Why are You Here?

Why are we here? More specifically, why are you here? Why am I here?              

The short answer is that all of us want something better in education, and Baconton has a reputation for being a good school.  The long answer is embedded in each of our experiences. 

Early one morning 16 years ago, as I was dressing for work that day, I felt a powerful call on my life.  It was so unmistakably the hand of God on my shoulder and His voice saying “Teach in Baconton; this is your mission field.”

Fast forward . . . and here I am today, still on this journey.

These years haven’t been easy.  I’ve personally made lots of mistakes, and there have been many times I have questioned whether it is time for me to move along elsewhere.  Yes, I have questioned God about this, and he has shown me undeniably that this is where I’m supposed to be and what I’m supposed to be doing.  I don’t take this lightly.  I’ve been given an assignment, and not only is it my paid job to do, but I believe that it is God’s calling on my life to be here.

Like me, many of you also have a testimony of sorts as to why and how you arrived on-scene at BCCS.  It is no accident that any of us is here.  We are 70+ people, each with differing talents, interests and experiences.  We have been brought together for a purpose.  We have a mission to fulfill.

In a Nutshell
What is your personal mission?  Why are you here?  How does your personal mission fit into the school's mission?

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