Friday, October 14, 2016

Birds of a Feather

I was spellbound by the sight of hundreds of birds emerging from a chimney.  I captured the Morning Flight on video.  Just thought this was kinda cool!

My colleague talked with Georgia DNR about these birds.  Apparently they are Chimney Swifts, en route to South America for winter.  We took more video this week.  I am amazed by the sheer number of birds and the way they gather in the evening.

We watched them circle up, then disperse several times before they went into their final tornadic spin and began filtering into the chimney.  

At last, all the bird circled up and began their final spin of the evening, with several at a time diving into the chimney until finally, all had called it a day.  Here is the final video.

This is video of them gathering and then dispersing.  It was almost as if they were counting their numbers, realizing every bird wasn't there yet, and then waiting for them arrive.

In a Nutshell
God's handiwork is amazing.  The instinctual traits of these creatures is incredible.  Yes, watching this bird activity brought me joy.

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