Thursday, December 7, 2017

Thirty Days of Christmas Joy: Week 2 Learning & Growing

An "Oh, Wow! How did I miss THAT?" moment.  For as long as I have used this camera model, I have overlooked the data details that flash across the bottom of the viewfinder.  Perhaps because I typically used to shoot in Auto Mode and because I didn't know what that information meant.

Until now.

Not only does all of my exposure information show up in the viewfinder, but in addition to the number line that shows whether my image will be under- or over- exposed, there also is a tiny green dot on the left that lights up when my focal point is in focus.

Really?  How have I missed this?  So, this week I have discovered - in one location - key details that alert me to the quality of my image before I take the photo.  This is quality enhancing learning that will serve me well.

I spent the better part of a Saturday afternoon reading my D7000 Digital Field Guide while twisting dials and snapping pictures of, well, nothing ... my messy kitchen table and window to the driveway.  But, I learned a lot!  Including: there is a setting that will not allow me to take a photo if it is not in focus.  Hellooo --- that's why my shutter release button refused to cooperate with me on the newborn photos.

These images are, again, straight out of the camera, with no Photoshop or Lightroom touchups.

Day 8
Resorted to flash with this outdoor handheld shot; cropped in camera; Exposure f/3.5 1/100 at 18mm
This shot reminds me why have I resorted to Auto Mode for so many years . . . I can't think quickly enough & set my dials efficiently enough to catch people in passing.  All those "fabulous" shots of people we see online and in media profiles are often carefully staged by highly experienced professionals.

Day 9
Exposure ISO 1000 f/4 2 seconds at 26mm with spot metering

Exposure ISO 100 f/5 1/250 at 48mm with spot metering
 My model had become slightly aggravated with me by this point, but his face is nicely lighted, although the window scene is blown out (which, really, is a good thing since the window needs a good washing!)

Day 10
Exposure ISO 200 f/25 30 seconds +3.7 EC at 27mm spot metering

Exposure ISO 200 f/25 30 seconds -3.7EC at 75mm; cropped in camera
Love this twinkle effect!

Day 11
My new computer arrived!  No picture taking . . . just loading up for edits.

Day 12
Love these long exposure lighting effects!  No edits on these ~ straight out of the camera!
Exposure ISO 200 f/29 for 10 seconds at 40mm

Exposure ISO 800 f/22 for 10 seconds at 38 mm
A parade just isn't a parade without firetrucks.  Stopped by the department ahead of the festivities and grabbed these shots.  Oughta make a fire chief happy!

Exposure ISO 200 f/20 for 10 seconds at 18mm 
Exposure ISO 200 f/20 for 10 seconds at 20mm
Exposure ISO 640 f/25 for 10 seconds at 24mm
Day 13
The generosity and compassion of students is evident in this roomful of toys purchased and bagged for less fortunate children.  Soon they'll be wrapped and delivered. I couldn't resist making a few photos of these Christmas gifts. I finished these images with a slight vignette, just because.
Exposure ISO 200 f/22for 2 seconds at 20mm
Exposure ISO 200 f/4.2 1/10 at 35mm; post production crop
Exposure ISO 200 f/5 1/10 at 65mm
Day 14
Exposure ISO 400 f/4.2 1/25 at 35mm

One more
Exposure ISO 400 f/4.5 1/25 at 40mm

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